How to ask questions in German (+ 70 Examples)


Posted Feb 21, 2023

Reads 5.1K

Six Assorted-color Flags Hanging on Gray Stainless Steel Poles
Credit:, Six Assorted-color Flags Hanging on Gray Stainless Steel Poles

If you're learning German, asking questions in German is a fundamental part of the language. Whether you're trying to clarify something, express curiosity or simply engage in conversation, knowing how to ask questions in German can open up a whole new world of communication. However, as with any language, there are certain rules and structures that must be followed for proper comprehension.

In this article, we will cover everything you need to know about asking questions in German. From basic question words like "who" and "what," to more complex sentence structures and idiomatic expressions, we'll provide you with all the tools necessary to confidently ask and understand questions in German. Plus, we've included over 70 real-life examples so you can see these concepts in action! So whether you're a beginner or an advanced learner looking to improve your skills, read on to learn more about asking questions in German.

Knowing how to ask questions in German is an essential skill, whether you're trying to improve your command of the German language or simply travelling.


Knowing how to ask questions in German is a fundamental skill, especially if you're planning on visiting Germany or Austria. Whether you're a language learner or just travelling, understanding the basics of German questions is essential for communication. Not only will it help you understand and respond to locals, but it can also lead to interesting German conversations knowing how to ask the right questions.

To get started with asking German questions step-by-step, including the basic structure and vocabulary, there are many resources available online. You can find tutorials, guides, and videos that cover everything from simple phrases to more complex sentences. By mastering some of the 10 must-know questions in German, such as "Wie heißen Sie?" (What's your name?) and "Bist du bereit?" (Are you ready?), you'll be able to confidently navigate various situations while travelling.

Practicing German questions before your trip will also help build your confidence in speaking the language. Don't be afraid to make mistakes – it's all part of the learning process! With time and practice, you'll improve your command of the German language and have more enjoyable conversations with locals during your travels. So why not start practicing today?

Different Approaches to Asking Questions

When it comes to asking questions in German, there are two main types: call yon-questions and proper answer questions. Call yon-questions are those that require a simple yes or no answer, while proper answer questions require a more detailed response. In German, these types of questions are indicated by the word order and intonation used when speaking.

One important aspect of asking questions in German is the use of question words. These words start with specific question words including wer (who), was (what), wo (where), wann (when), warum (why) and wie (how). These words are used to ask for specific information and can be combined with other question words to create more complex questions. However, using the wrong question word will not get you the information you need and may lead to confusion.

The evolution of languages started making modifications which led to variations in how different languages approach the concept of questioning. For example, ancient ancestor languages like Roman or Slavic languages had their own version of "universal huh" which eventually became what we know as question words today. This history is important because knowing about it can help avoid never-ending confusion about how different cultures approach questioning. So, if you're interested in learning more about German question words, check out our full version PDF on german-question-words click!

Understanding How to Formulate W-Questions in Grammar

Crop faceless multiethnic interviewer and job seeker going through interview
Credit:, Crop faceless multiethnic interviewer and job seeker going through interview

German w-questions can be a bit tricky to formulate, especially for those who are new to the language. The first step is to understand the question words, which include wer (who), was (what), wo (where), wann (when), warum (why), and wie (how). These words will help you form your questions correctly.

Once you have a basic understanding of the question words, it's important to know that German uses modal verbs and helper verbs to form questions. Normal everyday verbs are used as well, but they come last in the sentence. For example, if you want to ask "When do I read a book," the proper German sentence would be "Wann lese ich ein Buch?" This structure may seem odd at first, but with practice, it will become more natural.

It's also important to note that German doesn't always follow the same structure as English. While this can be annoying for those who are used to English grammar rules, it's important to remember that each language has its own unique structure. By following these tips and practicing regularly, you'll soon be able to formulate your own German w-questions with ease. So take a coffee break and start recording your progress – before you know it, you'll have 8 questions completed with 8 questions answered correctly and earned points!

Asking German Questions Made Easy with Prepositions

Abstract Wood Decoration Made of Circle Shapes
Credit:, Abstract Wood Decoration Made of Circle Shapes

When it comes to asking questions in German, prepositions play a crucial role. Verbs and prepositions work together to form meaningful sentences that convey specific details. For example, if you want to know where someone is going, you can use the "wohin" prefix with the verb "gehen" (to go) to obtain finer details. In this case, you would ask "Wohin gehst du?" (Where are you going?).

Similarly, if you want to know who someone is playing with on Sunday night, you can use the preposition "mit" (with) along with the verb "spielen" (to play). So, "Mit wem spielst du am Sonntagabend?" (Who are you playing with on Sunday night?). Simple responses elicited by these questions could be "Ich spiele mit Anastasia am Sonntagabend." (I'm playing with Anastasia on Sunday night.) or "Ich spiele im roten Team." (I'm playing on the red team.)

Prepositions typically provide ways of asking questions that require specific information about time, location or direction. By using prepositions correctly in your questions, you not only make them sound more natural but also ensure that you get the information you need. Whether it's asking about someone's plans for Sunday night or their favorite place to visit in Germany, remember that prepositions are your friend when it comes to asking German questions.

Why Learn How to Ask (and Answer) Questions in German?

People Sitting on Chairs Inside Room
Credit:, People Sitting on Chairs Inside Room

Knowing how to ask and answer questions in German is crucial if you're interacting with German-speaking people on a daily basis. Whether you're in a social, professional, or academic setting, questions are an essential part of the spoken environment. By learning how to ask and answer questions correctly, you will demonstrate manners and show that you respect the language and culture.

In a professional scene, asking questions correctly can make all the difference when it comes to successful business meetings. In German, there are two ways of addressing someone: "du" for informal situations and "Sie" for formal situations. Knowing when to use which is equally important as receiving confirm or correct information during a situation questioning. Speaking confidently with your partner will help them trust your fluency and professionalism.

When traveling in German-speaking countries, knowing key phrases they'll memorize can make for a memorable trip. People pick up on basic levels of fluency quickly and appreciate when someone tries to speak their language. It's also always a good idea to learn key phrases about the area you're visiting so you can ask questions or hold conversations with locals about their hometowns or regions!

How to Ask Questions in German with Action Words

Overhead view wooden frame with white inscription about social injustice on black background
Credit:, Overhead view wooden frame with white inscription about social injustice on black background

The easiest ways to ask questions in German involve action words. To use the correct tense, simply conjugate the verb to match the subject of your sentence. For example, if you want to ask someone if they play tennis, you would say "Spielen Sie Tennis?" which translates to "Do you play tennis?" If you were asking a friend if they play tennis, you could say "Spielst du Tennis?" which translates to "Do you play tennis?" This question simply requires manipulation of the conjugated verb based on the subject of your sentence.

Questions beginning with an action word require proper tense usage. The main verb in your sentence must be conjugated correctly as well. For example, if someone asks "Spielst du Tennis mit deinem Freund?" which translates to "Are you playing tennis with your male friend?", you could respond with "Ja, ich spiele Tennis mit meinem Freund." which means "Yes, I am playing tennis with my male friend." or "Eigentlich nicht." which means "Actually no."

If someone asks you a question about buying a car in German such as "Kaufst du ein Auto?" which means "Are you buying a car?", conditional responses are common. You could answer with something like "Vielleicht werde ich ein Auto kaufen, ich bin nicht sicher" meaning "Maybe I will buy a car, I'm not sure." This type of response keeps your options open while still answering the original question about the car. Overall, asking questions in German using action words and proper tense is fairly simple once you get the hang of it.

Learn to Inquire Politely Using 'Sie' Pronoun


Learning German is a huge part of communicating in Germany. One of the most important things to learn when asking questions in German is how to address someone in a respectful manner. The polite form of address in German is "Sie". When addressing someone formally, you use "Sie" instead of "du", which is the informal form.

When you're speaking with people older than you, supervisors, managers or any other person that you feel deserves respect, it's best to use "Sie" instead of "du". You'll tend to be taken more seriously and show that you're respectful towards them if you do so. It's also important to keep in mind that when you're traveling to a German-speaking country, you'll be expected to use this formal mode of address.

If you're speaking with someone informally or amongst friends, then it's okay to use the "du" singular familiar or "ihr" plural familiar pronouns instead. However, if you're speaking with someone formally, you'll need to make sure that all grammatical considerations are met and that the correct verb endings are used. By learning how to inquire politely using the "Sie" pronoun, not only will your language skills improve but also your manners will improve as well.

1. Possessives (using Ihr)

One way to avoid confusion when using possessive words in German is to use the pronoun "ihr" instead of "sie" or "you". For example, if you want to say "her suitcase" in German, you would say "ihr Koffer", not "ihrer Koffer" or "ihrem Koffer". Similarly, for a masculine noun like "newspaper", you would say "ihr Zeitung", and for a feminine noun like "book", you would say "ihr Buch".

Using the pronoun "ihr" can simplify sentence structure and make it easier to understand. Instead of having to remember different forms of possessive words depending on the gender and case of the noun, you can simply use "ihr" for all genders and cases. So next time you're speaking German, try using the pronoun "ihr" for your possessive words and see how it simplifies your sentences.

2. Could or can? (Könnten oder können?)

In German, the main difference between "could" and "can" is their level of politeness. "Can" is in the regular present tense and is used for normal requests. On the other hand, "could" is in the imperfect subjunctive form and it requires an extra helping verb to make sense.

While both words have similar meanings, using "could" is an extra polite way to ask for something in German. However, keep in mind that using "can" would still be perfectly acceptable in most situations where you wouldn't mind being less formal. The only letter difference between these two words might seem small, but it can make a big difference when trying to convey your tone and intentions with someone who speaks German as their first language.

Addressing the Subject when Asking German Questions

Belgium Flag on Top of the Building
Credit:, Belgium Flag on Top of the Building

When writing, begin with the simple question word "woher" to ask where someone is from, like "Maria, woher kommst du?" This way you address your subject directly and show interest in their background. Another example is asking "Hast du einen blauen Stift, Abigail?" which translates to "Do you have a blue pen, Abigail?" Here you use the verb "hast" to ask if someone has something and address them by name.

It's important to consider prepositions when asking questions in German. For instance, "Ben, du und deine Frau kommen gegen Dienstag richtig?" means "Ben, are you and your wife coming around Tuesday?" The preposition "gegen" indicates an approximate time rather than a specific one. Keeping these details in mind can help you create well-formed questions that are easy for others to understand.

In this blog post, we explore different perspectives you'll find when asking questions in German. Rebecca Henderson holds workshops in creative writing at her Kreativ Space and shares her interesting life experiences online. You can portable PDF or copy download her tips for fighting Hans' writer's block and improving your world perspective through writing. Use these skills to craft more engaging questions and connect with people on a deeper level.

1. Enter your e-mail address to get your free PDF!

Are you struggling to master German questions? Look no further! Our free PDF guide will help improve your understanding of question structure in German. Simply enter your email address and we'll send it directly to your inbox. Don't worry, we hate spam just as much as you do and promise to keep your email address safe.

With our comprehensive guide, you'll learn how to form basic and complex questions in German, using the correct word order and question words. You'll also gain a deeper understanding of the nuances behind certain questioning techniques, such as indirect questions and rhetorical questions. So what are you waiting for? Sign up now and take the first step towards becoming a fluent speaker of German!

Discovering the Answers to “W” Questions in German

If you're learning German, mastering question words is essential. The "W" words are a fundamental part of the language and can be used in many everyday situations. You'll find the most common W questions include words like "wer," "was," "wo," "wann," and "warum." Each of these has a roughly equivalent English translation, which helps make them easy to learn.

One of the most useful W questions is "warum." This word translates to "why" in English and can be used in many types of basic questions. For example, if you're trying to understand why something happened or why someone did something, you can use this word. Mastering warum (and other W questions) will help you communicate more effectively with native speakers.

Another important W question is "weswegen." This translates to "for what reason" and is similar to warum but slightly more formal. If you're speaking with an older person or an honorary member of society, using weswegen due may be more appropriate than warum. Overall, taking time to master these basic W questions will help you become a more confident speaker in any situation.

1. Where…?

Where can I learn to ask questions in German?

If you're interested in learning how to ask questions in German, there are a variety of resources available. You could enroll in a language class at a local college or university, or take advantage of online courses and tutorials. There are also many language-learning apps that offer lessons specifically focused on asking questions.

In addition to formal instruction, it's helpful to practice speaking with native speakers of German. This could be through language exchange programs or simply by finding conversation partners online. Immersing yourself in the language and culture is key to becoming fluent and confident in asking questions in German.

2. What…?

What are Questions in German?

Questions in German are an essential part of communication. They allow us to ask for information, clarify doubts and learn more about the world around us. Some common question words in German include 'Wer' (who), 'Was' (what), 'Wo' (where), 'Wann' (when), 'Warum' (why) and 'Wie' (how). These words can be used to form both closed-ended questions that require a yes or no response as well as open-ended questions that require further explanation.

For example, if you want to ask someone if they want to meet up with you later, you could use the phrase "sehen wir uns später?" which translates to "will we see each other later?". This is a closed-ended question that requires a simple yes or no answer. On the other hand, if you want to know more about someone's hobbies, you could use the phrase "was machst du gerne in deiner Freizeit?" which translates to "what do you like to do in your free time?". This is an open-ended question that allows for a more elaborate response. Overall, mastering questions in German is key to effective communication and building relationships.

3. Why…?

Why Learn to Ask Questions in German?

Learning how to ask questions in German can be very helpful, especially if you plan on traveling to Germany or any other German-speaking country. For example, if you need to ask for directions or purchase a bus ticket, being able to form questions in German will make your experience much easier and more enjoyable. Furthermore, knowing how to ask questions can also help you better understand and communicate with native German speakers.

In addition, asking questions in German will help you improve your language skills overall. By practicing forming questions and listening for the answers, you'll become more comfortable with the language and ultimately be able to have more meaningful conversations. Plus, it's always a great feeling when you're able to successfully communicate in another language! So why not start learning how to ask questions in German today?

4. Who…?

Who can benefit from learning German?

Anyone who is interested in the culture, history, and language of Germany, Austria, and Switzerland can benefit from learning German. German is also a very important language in the business world as it is the most spoken language in the European Union. Additionally, German is a popular choice for students who want to study abroad or pursue higher education as many universities in these countries offer programs in German. Finally, knowing how to speak German can be useful for travelers who want to explore these countries and communicate with locals more easily.

5. When…?

When should I use "Wann" in German?

The word "Wann" in German translates to "When" in English. This word is used when asking questions about time or timing. For example, if you want to know when a plane leaves or a concert starts, you would use the word "Wann". In German, it is important to remember that the verb comes second in a question, so your sentence structure would be "Wann (verb) (subject)?".

It's important to practice using "Wann" in different contexts so that you can master this question word. By doing so, you'll be able to find out more details about events and activities happening around you. So don't hesitate to ask questions like "Wann fährt der Zug ab?" (When does the train leave?) or "Wann beginnt das Spiel?" (When does the game start?).

6. How…?

How to Ask Questions in German?

If you are looking to make potato dumplings in Germany, you will probably need to ask locals for help. That's why it is essential to learn German question words such as "wer" (who), "was" (what), "wann" (when), "wo" (where), and "warum" (why). With these words, you can ask for directions, ingredients, recipes, or even cooking tips without any problems.

To get started with learning German question words, you can use online resources like language apps or websites. Alternatively, hiring an online tutor may be more effective if you prefer a personalized approach. Whichever method you choose, practicing regularly will help you become more confident in asking questions and communicating effectively in German.

Frequently Asked Questions

What are some German Question words from Sesame Street?

Some German question words taught on Sesame Street include "wer" (who), "was" (what), "wo" (where), and "warum" (why).

What are German Question words?

German question words are words used to ask questions in the German language. They include words like Wer (who), Was (what), Wann (when), Wo (where), Warum (why) and Wie (how).

How to ask questions in German?

To ask questions in German, start with a question word such as "who", "what", "when", or "where" followed by the verb and subject. Practice using different sentence structures and don't be afraid to make mistakes - it's all part of the learning process!

What kind of questions does Otto ask Jens?

Otto asks Jens various questions depending on the topic of discussion, such as their interests, work, opinions, beliefs and experiences.

How do you ask someone in German?

To ask someone in German, use the phrase "Kannst du mir bitte helfen?" which means "Can you please help me?" or "Entschuldigung, hast du einen Moment Zeit?" which means "Excuse me, do you have a moment?".

Julian Schmid

Lead Writer

Julian Schmid is an experienced writer with a passion for storytelling. With over two decades of experience, he has worked as a journalist, editor, and author. His work has been published in several prominent publications, including The New York Times, The Washington Post, and The Los Angeles Times.