Do You Think in English? Here’s Why You Should, Plus 6 Steps That Show Exactly How to Start


Posted Mar 5, 2023

Reads 5.9K

Man With Hand on Temple Looking at Laptop
Credit:, Man With Hand on Temple Looking at Laptop

Do you often find yourself struggling to express your thoughts in English, even if you've been learning the language for years? Do you want to improve your fluency and communication skills? If yes, then it's time to make a mind switch and start thinking in English.

Thinking in English is an essential skill that can help you communicate more effectively, understand the language better, and boost your confidence when speaking with native speakers. The good news is that it's not as daunting as it sounds; with a few easy steps, you can start thinking in English today.

In this article, we'll explore why thinking in English is important and how it can benefit your language learning journey. We'll also provide six easy-to-follow steps that will guide you through the process of making the transition from your native language to English. So, whether you're a beginner or an advanced learner, read on to discover how to think in English and take your language skills to the next level.

The Significance of Using English in Your Thoughts

Do you want to improve your English skills? Start by thinking in English! Internalizing English means that you will be able to speak with native speakers and understand them better. Advanced learners don't translate every word from their native language to English; they've internalized the language.

Speaking English is a great low-pressure way to practice your skills. You can make mistakes without worrying about being judged. Additionally, thinking in English helps you prepare for everyday conversations. When you're not translating everything in your head, you'll be able to respond more quickly and confidently.

It may seem difficult at first, but with practice, it will become natural to think in English. Start small by thinking about simple things like what you're going to eat for breakfast or what you need to do today. Then move on to more complex thoughts and ideas. The more you practice, the easier it will become!

1. Think in single words

If you want to start thinking in English, begin with a small number of vocabulary words. Think of single words like "good morning" or "happy." These simple phrases can help you make important decisions and express yourself clearly.

Try leaving notes on your bathroom mirror or phone's lock screen with vocabulary words to practice daily English thinking. Take small steps, and you'll make progress in no time. Instead of trying to form full sentences, focus on one word at a time.

Thinking in English can be a game that gives you satisfaction and confidence. After a long day tired, happy, or good night are great words to reflect on your day. Start thinking in single words and see how much your language skills improve.

2. Narrate your day

Today started like any other day in my day-to-day life. I woke up early, rubbed the sleep from my eyes, preparing for the long day ahead of me. As I got dressed, deciding what to wear today, I couldn't help but imagine how legendary narrators Morgan Freeman or James Earl Jones would describe what's happening in my daily life narration.

Throughout the day, I tried to think in English and speak in full correct sentences. It wasn't easy at first, but with practice and determination, it became more natural. From ordering my morning coffee to discussing work with colleagues, I made a conscious effort to use proper grammar and vocabulary. By the end of the day, I felt more confident and motivated to continue improving my English skills.

3. Make up conversations

One great way to practice your English skills is by making up conversations. You can do this any time of day, even if you're stuck at home or on the go. Pretend you're speaking with an actual person and try to use new vocabulary words as much as possible. It's also helpful to have a huge list of conversation topics ready in case you're planning ahead or don't know what to say.

When you're practicing conversations, don't forget to include waiters' parts in restaurants or cafes. These are great ill exercises since the language and etiquette used may be different from what you're used to in your home country. I recommend practicing these pretend conversations often so that when you do encounter an actual person, you'll feel more confident and fluent in English.

4. Build your vocabulary

Expanding your vocabulary is an essential part of improving your English skills. It can be frustrating when you couldn't remember earlier learned words, but with some simple techniques, you can build a growing vocabulary list. Start by watching movies, trailers, news segments, music videos, and inspirational talks in English. Whenever you come across a new word that appears repeatedly, note it down on a digital note app or add it to your long list.

In the long run, having a chunky vocabulary will help you think in English and avoid translating from your native language. Use online resources like Wordnik or dictionary websites to find real examples of how English words are used in context. Create flashcard decks for the words you've learned so far and choose chunks of 10-15 words to review each day. You can also use vocabulary websites that provide quizzes and games to learn and memorize new words while having fun!

5. Enter your e-mail address to get your free PDF!

Are you struggling with how to think in English? Well, we've got just the solution for you! By entering your e-mail address, you'll receive a free PDF that will help you improve your English thought process. Don't worry, we hate spam just as much as you do and promise to keep your email address safe.

Learning any new language can be challenging, but with the right tools and resources, it doesn't have to be. Our PDF is designed to give you practical tips on how to train your brain to think in English. You'll also find helpful exercises and examples to guide you along the way. So what are you waiting for? Enter your e-mail address now and get started on your journey towards thinking fluently in English!

Immerse Yourself in English to Improve Your Thinking


Want to improve your thinking in English? Immerse yourself in the language! If you're not living in an English speaking country, it's still possible to surround yourself with the language. Dedicate time every day to actively or passively listen to English for at least 10 minutes.

There are plenty of resources available online that can help you improve your thinking in English. Try listening to internet radio stations or watching YouTube videos of your favorite TV series or movies. Even just having a blog post or article open on your computer can be helpful for passive listening.

To take it a step further, try repeating words and phrases out loud during your listening time. This will help solidify what you're hearing and improve your pronunciation. Passive listening takes less effort, but repeating words and phrases will make a big difference in improving your thinking skills in English. So start today - dedicate at least 30 minutes of your day to immersing yourself in the language!

Stick with Familiar Words: Why Simplicity is Key


When it comes to learning a new language, whether it’s English or any other, building vocabulary is essential. However, it’s equally important to remember that using complex words and phrases can sometimes impede your ability to build fluency. Sometimes, using the simplest word or phrase can be the most effective way of communicating your thoughts.

To improve fluency, start thinking in English as much as possible. It might sound strange at first, but this is an excellent way to train your brain to think in the language you're trying to learn. Once you get comfortable with thinking in English, you'll find that speaking and writing it becomes easier too.

The goal isn't to impress others with your vocabulary; the goal is to communicate effectively. So, stick with familiar words when possible and focus on building fluency through practice and repetition. With time and dedication, you'll see significant progress in your ability to communicate in English.

Begin with baby steps to achieve greatness

Man and Girl Running on Asphalt Road
Credit:, Man and Girl Running on Asphalt Road

Start small and work your way up. This is a common technique used to achieve greatness, and it applies when learning how to think in English as well. Don’t start with complicated sentences or paragraphs right away – begin with short phrases that you can easily remember. Use dead time, such as while waiting in line or commuting on the subway, to practice thinking in English.

Create a comfortable space for yourself to practice in. Lay out a yoga mat, wear your favorite blue t-shirt, and surround yourself with indoor plants and bright lights. This will help you relax and feel more confident as you begin your journey of thinking in English. Remember, the most important thing is to start small.

As you continue practicing, challenge yourself by gradually increasing the complexity of your thoughts and sentences. Don’t worry about making mistakes – they’re a natural part of the learning process. Keep pushing yourself forward until you’re able to think fluently in English without even realizing it. With patience and dedication, you’ll be amazed at how far you can go!

Enhance Your Speaking Skills: Master Fluency Today!


Are you struggling to speak English fluently? Do you find yourself getting stuck on grammar rules and vocabulary? The key to improving your speaking skills is to think in English. When you start thinking in English, you train your brain to use the language naturally and automatically.

Thinking in English can help you speak with native-like intonation and rhythm. You will become more confident in your ability to express yourself without worrying about grammar mistakes or word choice. It's a great way to improve your fluency and sound more like a native speaker.

To start thinking in English, immerse yourself in the language as much as possible. Listen to English music, watch TV shows and movies with subtitles, read books, and practice speaking with others. The more exposure you have, the easier it will be for you to think in English. Over time, you'll develop a natural feel for the language and find yourself speaking more fluently than ever before!

Collaborate and Enhance Your Skills with Group Practice


When it comes to learning a language, practice thinking is key. That's why group practice can be so beneficial. In a group setting, students teachers can work together to enhance their skills through conversation and exercises. With multiple perspectives and input from others, students can gain a deeper understanding of the language and improve their abilities faster.

In cases follow where students may struggle with certain concepts or pronunciation, working in a group allows for more focused attention on those areas. Group members can offer constructive feedback and tips on how to improve. Furthermore, practicing speaking in front of others helps build confidence and fluency when communicating in English.

Overall, collaborating with others through group practice is an effective way to accelerate language learning. It offers opportunities for students teachers to receive immediate feedback, get exposure to different accents and styles of speaking, as well as develop relationships with peers who share similar goals. So don't miss out on this chance to enhance your skills – find a study group or language exchange program today!

Frequently Asked Questions

Should you think in English or your native language?

It is recommended to practice thinking in English if you want to improve your fluency and communication skills in the language. However, it is okay to think in your native language while learning English.

How do I remind myself to think in English?

One way to remind yourself to think in English is to surround yourself with English media, such as books, movies, and music. Another method is to set a daily reminder or use sticky notes in your working environment. Lastly, try practicing everyday conversations with native or fluent English speakers.

How to learn English?

To learn English, immerse yourself in the language by watching English movies and TV shows or listening to English music, practice speaking with native speakers or a language exchange partner, and take classes or use online resources to improve grammar and vocabulary. Consistency is key - make learning a daily habit!

Why is it important to think in English?

Thinking in English is important because it helps improve your fluency and comprehension skills, and allows for easier communication with native speakers. It also enhances reasoning, problem-solving, and decision-making abilities in an English-speaking environment.

Why should you think in English?

Thinking in English can improve your English language skills and help you communicate more effectively with native speakers, as well as increasing your confidence when using the language. It can also make it easier to learn new vocabulary and grammar rules.

Jason Noble

Senior Writer

Jason Noble is a seasoned blogger who has been writing about technology and gadgets for over a decade. He is passionate about exploring new and innovative products, and enjoys sharing his insights with readers. In addition to his blog, Jason has also contributed articles to several tech publications.