The must-knows of German sentence structure (build German sentences like a pro!)


Posted Mar 15, 2023

Reads 13.1K

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Credit:, Woman in Pink Dress Sitting on Brown Wooden Chair

German sentence structure is a fundamental aspect of the German language that every learner must understand to communicate effectively. While German is not necessarily difficult to learn, its unique sentence structure can be confusing for non-native speakers. If you want to build German sentences like a pro, it's crucial to have an in-depth understanding of how the language works.

Learning German sentence structure may seem daunting at first, but with practice and patience, you'll soon become proficient in constructing complex sentences. A good knowledge of grammar is essential when it comes to communicating effectively in any language, and this is especially true for German. By understanding the basic rules of sentence construction and word order, you'll be able to create meaningful sentences with ease. In this article, we will explore the must-knows of German sentence structure so that you can master this vital aspect of the language quickly and efficiently.

German sentence structure can be conquered! Learn how to build German sentences, and discover ways to practice German word order.

Swimming Pool With Green Palm Trees
Credit:, Swimming Pool With Green Palm Trees

German sentence structure can be conquered! Many German learners are often bewildered by the German word order, which looks like Yoda speaks. But don't worry, we've got you covered. Understanding German syntax and common German sentence structures is key to mastering how the German sentence structure works.

In German sentences, the verb usually comes second in the sentence, while the subject and object can vary depending on what you want to emphasize. But this is just one of many possible word orders in German. To get a better understanding of how the German sentence structure works, it's important to look at real-life examples and practice different word orders.

One way to practice German word order is by using online exercises or language apps that focus on forming correct sentences. Another effective method is to write your own sentences and have them checked by a native speaker or language tutor. By practicing different word orders and becoming comfortable with common German sentence structures, you can conquer the die deutsche wortstellung and speak fluently in no time!

How to structure questions in German


When it comes to structuring questions in German, the word order is key. Unlike in English, the German question depends on where the verb falls in the sentence. In a simple yes-or-no question, the verb takes the first place, followed by the subject and then the rest of the sentence. However, when using a question word like "wer" (who) or "was" (what), it takes the first place followed by the verb and then subject.

To structure questions successfully in German, using a question word is essential. The most common ones are "wer" (who), "was" (what), "wo" (where), "wann" (when), "warum" (why) and "wie" (how). These words dictate how you should structure your sentence and where each element should go. For example: "Wie geht es dir?" translates to "How are you?" Here, we can see that the question word goes first, followed by the verb and lastly the subject.

Finally, to ensure your sentence is grammatically correct when asking a question in German, always double-check your work. There are many online tools available such as German checkers that help identify any mistakes or errors in your writing. By keeping these tips in mind- using a question word for structure and double-checking your work- you can easily create grammatically correct and understandable questions in German!

Advance Your German with Flawless Word Ordering Techniques


If you're looking to improve your German language skills, mastering the word order in German sentences is a great way to start. We've examined the structure of German sentences and found that it's quite different from English. In German, the verb often comes at the end of the sentence, which can take some getting used to. However, with practice and creativity, here's how you can master German word order.

To begin learning German sentence structure, it's important to expose yourself to as much spoken and written German as possible. Listen closely to make out how native speakers use word order in everyday conversation by tuning into German podcasts, radio shows or streaming German-language video/TV shows. Read widely – read magazines, news articles, and story stories – that include questions narrative or entertaining stories that connect with you on an emotional level.

Once you're ready to practice building German sentences yourself, interactive exercises are a fantastic tool for gaining confidence. Find conversation partners who are fluent speakers or join language exchange partners online to get feedback on your progress. Repeatedly reading and practicing speaking will help you master german word order over time. Remember: practice makes perfect!

1. Find your tutor

Looking for a tutor to help you with German sentence structure can be overwhelming, but the good news is that there are plenty of resources available. One option is to search for a favorite tutor online who specializes in teaching German grammar and sentence construction. These tutors can provide one-on-one sessions tailored specifically to your individual needs, allowing you to improve your language skills quickly and efficiently.

If you're not sure where to start looking for a tutor, try checking out online tutoring platforms or language exchange websites. You can also ask friends or colleagues who have experience learning German if they know of any reputable tutors in your area. With a little bit of research and some dedication, you'll be on your way to mastering the intricacies of German sentence structure in no time!

2. Select your classes

Selecting the right classes is essential when learning German sentence structure. Whether you're a beginner or an advanced learner, finding lessons that cater to your level can make all the difference in your language journey.

One way to find suitable classes is by researching online or asking for recommendations from others who have already gone through the process. Some online platforms offer free courses while others require a subscription fee. You can also opt for private tutoring or attend classes in-person if they're available in your area. The key is to be consistent with your learning and practice as much as possible to improve your German sentence structure skills.

Question Structure in German


One of the most important things to understand when learning German is sentence structure, especially when asking questions. In German, the conjugated verb is stuck firmly in position 2 of the sentence, while other elements move around depending on context. This means that when forming a question, the question word takes position 1, and the subject takes position 3 according to question sentence structure rule 5.

For example, if you want to ask "What did you eat for breakfast?", the previously learned question word "what" would take position 1, followed by the conjugated verb "did" in position 2. The subject "you" would then follow in position 3. The rest of the sentence would follow normal German sentence structure. This makes it easy to form a question once you know where each element belongs.

My favourite spot for using this rule is when using two verbs together like "Do you want to come with me?" Here, the first verb "do" still follows the same rules as before and takes its place in position 2. However, the second verb "want" becomes an infinitive and moves to the end of the sentence. So, we end up with "Willst du mit mir kommen?" - "Want you with me come?"

Discover How to Master German Word Order Using News Content


If you're looking to study German sentence structure and understand German syntax, analyzing real-life examples can be hugely beneficial. And what better place to find these examples than in news articles? In fact, there's even a German newspaper called "Nachtrichten Leicht" (literally "news light") that offers clear, simple writing specifically for language learners. But you don't have to limit yourself to this type of publication – any regular German paper will do.

The key is to focus on news stories that interest you and use them as a tool for improving your understanding of word order in German sentences. Take a recent article like "Facebook zeigt Nachrichten: Neue Funktion soll helfen, Falschmeldungen zu erkennen" (Facebook shows news: New function should help recognize fake news). By breaking down the sentence and analyzing the word order, you can start to see patterns and gain a better grasp of how German grammar works.

Of course, mastering German word order takes time and practice – but using news content as a resource can make the process more engaging and enjoyable. So next time you're struggling with sentence structure or just want to brush up on your skills, try turning to the latest headlines for inspiration. You might be surprised at how much you can learn from something as simple as a news article!

Frequently Asked Questions

What is the second element of a German sentence?

The second element of a German sentence is usually the verb. This means that in most cases, the verb comes right after the subject.

What is the basic sentence structure in German?

The basic sentence structure in German follows the pattern of subject-verb-object. However, there are several types of sentences and variations that can be used to convey different meanings and emphasis. Learning the basics is essential for mastering the language.

Which element begins a German declarative sentence?

The German declarative sentence usually starts with the subject, which is typically followed by the verb and then by the object.

How do you start a sentence in German?

To start a sentence in German, capitalize the first letter and use one of the many possible word order combinations. German grammar is complex but rewarding to learn, so immerse yourself in the language to improve your skills.

What are the rules of German sentence structure?

The basic rule of German sentence structure is subject-verb-object. However, there are other rules to follow such as time and manner placement, inversion for questions, and the use of subordinate clauses. Understanding these rules will help you create clear and effective sentences in German.

Jason Noble

Senior Writer

Jason Noble is a seasoned blogger who has been writing about technology and gadgets for over a decade. He is passionate about exploring new and innovative products, and enjoys sharing his insights with readers. In addition to his blog, Jason has also contributed articles to several tech publications.