The Complete Guide to Creating an English Study Plan You’ll Actually Want to Follow


Posted Feb 25, 2023

Reads 2.7K

Dictionary Text in Bokeh Effect
Credit:, Dictionary Text in Bokeh Effect

Are you struggling to stay on track with your English language learning? Have you tried creating an English study plan, only to find yourself falling off the wagon after a few days or weeks? Fear not, because this blog post is here to guide you through the process of making a strong and effective English study plan that you'll actually want to follow.

Planning makes things easier, but when it comes to learning a new language, it can feel like complicated dance routines plans. However, with the right approach and some careful consideration, you can create a good plan that will help you make real action. In this article, you'll find sample plans and tips for creating your own personalized English study plan.

By the end of this article, you'll have all the tools you need to create the perfect English study plan for your needs. Whether you prefer a portable PDF or a copy download, we've got everything covered. So let's dive in and discover how planning can make learning English more enjoyable and achievable than ever before!

Unleash Your Potential with an Effective English Study Plan!

Crop unrecognizable female with stylish manicure sitting at black  desk with keyboard and smartphone and taking notes with silver pen in notepad
Credit:, Crop unrecognizable female with stylish manicure sitting at black desk with keyboard and smartphone and taking notes with silver pen in notepad

Learning the English language can seem like a big task, but breaking it down into smaller steps makes learning English more manageable. A study plan helps you set goals, and goals give you clear ideas on how to move forward. With a study plan, progress comparing becomes easier as you can see how far you've come and know that you're improving.

A study plan means turning learning English into an easy routine. Part of study plans is setting achievable goals for yourself. These can be small or large milestones that keep you motivated and working towards your end goal. By breaking down the process of learning English into smaller steps, learning English doesn't have to feel overwhelming.

Motivating yourself to study can be challenging, but having a well-designed study plan can make all the difference. A study plan helps you organize your time and stay disciplined as you work towards achieving your goals. By setting aside regular time each day or week to focus on learning English, studying becomes a habit rather than a chore. So start creating your own study plan today and unleash your potential!

Achieve Your Language Learning Objectives with This Method

Close-up of Text on Black Background
Credit:, Close-up of Text on Black Background

Setting goals is a personal process that has been used for decades to achieve success. Documented methods from the 1950s thousands of people have used to achieve their objectives, and now you can too! The proven goal-setting technique called OKRs, used by big businesses like Amazon and Google, is a simple yet effective way to set personal goals.

OKR stands for Objectives and Key Results. Simply put, an objective is what you want to achieve, and key results are specific things you will do to make it happen. For example, if your objective is to run a half marathon in 3 months, your key result 1 could be to run 4 times a week, key result 2 could be cooking 1 healthy meal per day, and key result 3 could be getting 8 hours of quality sleep each night.

Using the OKR system in combination with a language learning study planner template can help you make tangible progress towards achieving your language learning objectives. By setting objective outputs such as "passing a language proficiency test" and breaking them down into key results like "listening to one podcast in my target language per day," you'll be able to develop habits that hit targets leading up to the final outcome.

Unleash Your Potential by Mastering the 3-Month Study Plan


Are you ready to take your English language skills to the next level? Join SpeakUp and enroll in our tailor-made program that guarantees maximum results in just three months. Our team of experienced instructors will welcome you with open arms and create a personalized study plan that meets your individual needs.

We understand that everyone learns differently, which is why we offer a variety of teaching methods to ensure that you immediately notice an improvement in your abilities. With our business day creating great opportunities for learning, you will feel supported every step of the way. Don't miss out on this chance to unleash your potential and become fluent in English with SpeakUp's 3-month study plan.

1. Having accountability partners that check in with you weekly

Staying engaged in your 3-month study plan is essential for success. One way to ensure that you remain committed to your goals is by finding accountability partners who will check in with you weekly. This friendly person can help motivate you when you're feeling discouraged and keep you on track towards improving your written English, reading skills, and overall language proficiency.

To find accountability partners, join SpeakUp, a community of English learners dedicated to supporting one another through their language learning journeys. Within the platform, there are dedicated Slack channels where you can connect with other people who are also following a 3 month English learning plan. Working together as a team can make learning fun and more effective!

Accelerate Your Achievement Journey with a Virtual Tutor

Top view of miniature airplane placed on over gray world map with crop hand of anonymous person indicating direction representing travel concept
Credit:, Top view of miniature airplane placed on over gray world map with crop hand of anonymous person indicating direction representing travel concept

Are you struggling to achieve your language learning goals? Have you tried various study plans but haven't seen the results you desire? Consider working with a virtual language tutor. With their expertise and guidance, you can take rapid steps towards achieving your language goals.

A language tutor can help you create a customized study plan alongside your personal needs and learning style. They can provide personalized feedback, answer questions, and offer additional resources to enhance your learning experience. By working with a virtual tutor, you'll have access to a wealth of knowledge and support that will accelerate your achievement journey. Don't let language barriers hold you back any longer- invest in yourself today and watch as your skills improve under the guidance of an experienced language tutor.

1. Find your tutor

Looking for a tutor to help you with your English study plan? Look no further! Finding your favorite tutor is easier than ever before. With the availability of online tutoring platforms and websites, you can connect with tutors from all around the world and choose the one that fits your needs best.

Your favorite tutor should be someone who understands your learning style, is patient, and provides relevant materials to help you improve. Take advantage of trial sessions to get a better sense of their teaching style and see if it resonates with you. Don't be afraid to ask questions or give feedback - this will help them tailor their lessons to better suit your needs. So go ahead, find your favorite tutor today and start improving your English skills!

Learn a Language with Ease: An Effective Study Guide

Young lady typing on keyboard of laptop in living room
Credit:, Young lady typing on keyboard of laptop in living room

If you are looking for an efficient way to learn a new language, then having a language study schedule valuable can make all the difference. The first step is to create a weekly schedule that outlines your planned study time. You can use a paper planner, an app or even Google Calendar to set up reminders and stay notified of your goals.

Next, it's important to break down your study time into manageable chunks. Start by focusing on specific topics such as vocabulary or grammar rules. Make sure you have access to all the necessary learning materials before you begin, including books, audio files, and videos. It's also helpful to identify which learning style works best for you - visual, auditory or kinesthetic - so that you can tailor your study sessions accordingly.

Finally, be sure to review and adjust your language study planner regularly. Keep track of what works well and what doesn't and make changes as needed. One useful tip is to create a full-size version of your weekly schedule that you can hang up in a visible spot as a constant reminder of your goals. With these simple steps in place, you'll be well on your way to mastering any new language with ease!

1. Focus on what you can achieve every week

One of the biggest mistakes people make when creating an English study plan is focusing solely on big, long-term goals. While it's important to have those big goals in mind, it's equally important to create small, achievable ones along the way. This is where planning comes in - I highly recommend planning out your week or month using a calendar. By breaking down your larger goals into smaller ones, you'll find that your goals feel bite-sized and achievable. You won't feel overwhelmed or discouraged if you've fallen irreparably off-track because you can easily adjust your schedule for the next week or month based on what worked and what didn't.

So focus on what you can realistically achieve every week by creating a month-long calendar with smaller, achievable goals that build up to your bigger goal. When you have a clear idea of what you want to accomplish each week, studying English becomes less daunting and more manageable. Remember: start small, stay consistent, and celebrate even the smallest victories along the way!

2. Keep your goals in sight

Keeping your goals in sight is essential for success in any endeavor, and learning English is no exception. An English study plan can help you stay focused on your language common objectives, such as passing a B2 language exam or communicating effectively with clients and colleagues. A template inspired by other successful learners can be a helpful starting point to organize your thoughts and set ambitious goals.

Once you have defined your objectives, it's time to break them down into actionable steps and key results. Depending on your level of proficiency and learning style, you may want to focus on different skills such as reading, writing, listening or speaking. Each objective should have its own set of key results - easy-to-measure targets that will keep you motivated along the way. With a clear plan in place, you'll be able to track your progress and adjust course if needed to grow professionally and achieve your English communication goals.

3. Brainstorm activities to avoid boredom

Brainstorming activities to avoid boredom during your language learning routine is crucial to maintaining an effective process. At our language learning schedule brainstorm, we've added some exciting activities to keep things interesting.

Firstly, try setting aside 30 minutes each day to read 5 pages of a book in English or watch a Netflix show, pausing frequently to repeat pronunciation or practice new vocabulary. Secondly, find a language exchange partner to chat with regularly and learn from each other's native language. Lastly, incorporate native music into your learning process by listening and singing along. With this interesting list of activities, you can switch up your week and do these activities regularly to avoid boredom in your language learning routine while staying up-to-date with the latest news and trends!

4. Adapt your template to suit your routine

When creating an English study plan, it's important to make sure that the template you use suits your routine. You don't want to feel bad if you can't follow a schedule that's too demanding or doesn't fit your daily life.

One way to adapt your template is by considering how often you're meeting with your teacher or tutor for English lessons. If you're taking private classes multiple times a week, then shorter study sessions may be more effective for retaining information. On the other hand, if you're only having weekly lessons, longer study sessions (with breaks in between) may be necessary to cover all the material. Don't stress about making the perfect plan - just tweak it a tiny bit until it works best for you and your schedule.

5. Don’t study every day

Don't study every day! We know, it sounds counterintuitive, but taking rest days is crucial to your English study plan. If you study 7 days a week, you'll quickly feel exhausted and burned out. Your brain needs adequate rest to absorb everything you've learned during the week.

Instead, aim to study 5 days a week and take 2 rest days for light activity or other hobbies that you enjoy. This will give your mind a break while still keeping you feeling motivated and on track with your goals. Plus, when you come back to studying after a day off, you'll be refreshed and ready to tackle your target language with renewed energy.

6. Keep track with checkpoints

To make sure you are making progress in your English study plan, it’s important to set goals and have checkpoints to check on your progress. A month check is a great way to evaluate how far you have come and what you still need to work on. Keeping a journal, preferably online, can help you track your learning journey and see how much time dedicated to practicing the target language.

One way to avoid hitting a language learning plateau is by setting achievable goals for yourself. By consistently reaching these checkpoints, you will feel motivated and inspired to keep going. Additionally, practicing writing in English can be a huge motivator as it allows you to see improvement over time. Remember, consistency is key!

7. Jan Expert teacher of English, specializing in IELTS preparation

Jan is a highly successful teacher of English, and specializes in IELTS preparation. She believes that building time into your schedule for language learning is crucial to success. By prioritizing 10-15 minute time slots dedicated to language study, you can feel accountable and make progress towards your goals faster.

Jan recommends using authentic materials such as real news reports, blog posts, discussions and talk shows to improve your skills in reading, writing and listening. She also suggests incorporating physical exercise into your language time to make it more enjoyable. Watching good movies in English is another way to enjoy learning the language.

As with any investment, effective language learning means having a clear goal in mind. Set tasks within a specific time frame so that each learning session takes you one step closer to achieving that goal. Jan advises against marathon learning sessions or week-long binging as these are not sustainable ways of building a language learning habit. Instead, focused students should build their study schedule around their schedules and prioritize language study as a precious commodity which will pay off in the long run.

8. Leonah Certified Native English Tutor. Exam Coach for IELTS, TOEFL, TOEIC and Cambridge ESOL.

Creating a study plan involves effective planning and focus. As an online tutor who specializes in exam coaching for various language proficiency tests, I always emphasize the importance of having a well-structured study plan to achieve your language learning goals. A good study plan should include regular time for self-study, utilizing dead time, such as during commutes or breaks, and incorporating different techniques like study flashcards and listening practice.

Furthermore, linking language learning with everyday tasks can be an effective method for treating language learning as a logical solitary social aural process. By setting aside specific times to practice speaking and writing in your target language, you can improve your skills faster while also building confidence in using the language. With the help of an experienced tutor like myself, we can work together to design a customized study plan that meets your needs and maximizes your progress towards passing exams like IELTS, TOEFL, TOEIC or Cambridge ESOL.

What Occurs When You Take a Tumble?

Falling down is something that we couldn't foresee, but it's essential to remain kind to yourself when you do. In our English study plan, there will be moments where you feel like you can no longer commit to the planned lessons. That's okay! Life happens, and we understand that sometimes things don't show up as expected in the 3-month study plan timeline.

The important thing is not to give up; instead, take a moment to pause and evaluate your situation. Maybe you need a break or a fun day trip to recharge your batteries. Whatever it is, make sure you come back with enthusiasm and renewed energy because consistency is key. Remember that even if you had a setback, it doesn't mean the end of your journey towards fluency.

In our English study plan, we believe in empowering our learners by avoiding punishment systems. Instead, we focus on creating an environment where students feel safe to ask questions and make mistakes without fear of judgment. So go ahead and indulge in that piece of chocolate today; just make sure you're back in class tomorrow with the same passion for learning as before. With dedication and effort over 4 weeks or even more extended periods, success is achievable!

Discover the Perfect Candidate for the 3-Month Study Plan


Finding the perfect candidate for a 3-month English study plan can be quite challenging. However, with careful consideration and evaluation, it is possible to identify someone who is committed to improving their language skills. The ideal candidate should have a desire to learn and use English in their daily life, as well as the willingness to invest time and effort into their studies. Additionally, having access to resources such as a SpeakUp subscription can be beneficial in achieving substantially higher levels of proficiency in a shorter amount of time.

Frequently Asked Questions

How to make English studying easy?

One effective way to make English studying easy is to practice consistently and incorporate fun activities into your learning routine, such as watching movies or reading books in English. Additionally, utilizing language-learning apps and finding a study group can provide added support and motivation.

How to make a good study plan?

To make a good study plan, start by setting clear goals, breaking down the material into manageable chunks, scheduling regular study sessions, and taking breaks to avoid burnout. It's also important to prioritize and focus on the most important topics first.

Do you need an English study plan?

Yes, having an English study plan can help you stay organized and focused on your language learning goals. It can also help you track your progress and identify areas where you need to improve.

How can a study plan help you learn English?

A study plan can help you learn English by providing structure and organization to your learning process. It helps you set achievable goals, track your progress, and identify areas that need improvement.

What is a good 3-month study plan to learn English?

A good 3-month study plan to learn English includes daily practice of all language skills - reading, writing, speaking and listening. This can be achieved through a combination of language classes, self-study with textbooks or online resources, regular conversation practice with native speakers and immersion in English-speaking environments.

Elmer Fleming

Senior Writer

Elmer Fleming is a skilled writer with a passion for sharing his knowledge and insights with others. His blog posts cover an array of topics, from travel and food to technology and business, all written in a clear and engaging style that draws readers in. With years of experience in various industries, including marketing and finance, Elmer brings a unique perspective to his writing that resonates with readers.