Blog Addict? 9 Fun Blogs in English You Should Start Reading


Posted Mar 3, 2023

Reads 9.4K

Bridge over River in City
Credit:, Bridge over River in City

Are you a blog addict? Do you love spending hours reading interesting and informative posts about various topics? If so, then you're in luck because there are plenty of blogs in English that you can start reading today!

Not only will these blogs provide you with hours of entertainment, but they are also a great way to improve your English skills. With each post, you'll learn new vocabulary, grammar rules, and sentence structures. So if you're looking for a fun way to learn English while indulging in your love for blogs, look no further.

In this article, we've compiled a list of 9 fun blogs in English that cover a wide range of topics. From food and travel to technology and lifestyle, there's something for everyone on this list. So whether you're a beginner or an advanced learner of English, these blogs will help you improve your language skills while keeping you entertained.

Tips for Launching Your Own Blog


Blogging is a great way to share your thoughts and ideas with the world. If you're thinking about starting your own blog, there are a few things you should keep in mind. One of the most important things to consider is your unique angle. What will make your blog stand out from the thousands of others out there? Make sure to focus on a specific topic or niche that you're passionate about and that hasn't been covered extensively.

Once you've figured out your angle, it's time to choose a blog domain. This is the web address where people will find your blog online. Choose something that's easy to remember and relevant to your niche. You'll also want to think about hosting options and how much control you want over the design and functionality of your blog.

Finally, it's time to start creating content! Your first blog post should be something engaging that introduces readers to who you are and what they can expect from your blog. From there, focus on creating high-quality content consistently. Use social media platforms like Twitter and Facebook to promote each new blog post and engage with readers. With these tips in mind, you'll be well on your way to launching a successful blog!

1. Understand your audience.

Understand your audience before you start writing your blog post. A clear understanding of your target audience is necessary to create a successful blog post that resonates with readers. Brainstorm audience attributes and think outside the box to uncover characteristics that may have come out of left field. Market research sounds daunting, but browsing user behavior on social media platforms and analyzing blog profiles can provide valuable insight into your potential audience.

Investing time in market research tools is a big task, but it's the first step to begin uncovering specific information about your potential readers. Once you've brainstormed potential attributes, start creating formal buyer personas to represent different segments of your audience. This will help you tailor your content to each group's specific interests and needs.

During the brainstorming process, consider different approaches for connecting with your audience through blog posts. A casual personal approach may work well for work-from-home hacks or lifestyle blogs targeting Gen Zers. Alternatively, a business-savvy networking-focused approach may be more effective for professional development or career-oriented content.

In order to publish content that resonates with readers, create detailed buyer personas using persona buyer persona generator tools available online. With a clear understanding of who you're writing for, you'll be able to craft blog posts that are not only engaging but also informative and relevant to their needs and interests.

2. Check out your competition.

Check out your competition when creating a blog in English. Drawing inspiration from well-established competition can be worth taking the time to do. Explore popular highly reviewed blogs that are in your blogs audience niche and see what specific slant they determine to appeal to their buyer personas.

Themes play a huge role in blog creation process, make sure your competitors blog themes are similar to the readership colors you want to use. For example, if you're writing about eco-friendly products, earthy tones may be more suitable than bright unnatural colors like neon yellow. Take note of competitions copywriting style and try to successfully emulate what rings true for you.

If you're looking for a good fit with a tech blog or journalistic review-based writing doesn't work for you, consider hiring freelance writers who can feasibly execute the type of content you want on your website. Ultimately, checking out your competitor's blogs is an excellent idea when creating quality content that stands out from the crowd.

3. Determine what topics you’ll cover.

Choosing the right topics for your English blog is crucial if you want to attract and retain readers. The topic you choose should be aligned with your desired niche, but it also needs to be something you hold deep expertise in or are willing to learn about. At first, creating a tentative list of potential topics can be pretty general, but as you understand back what your audience wants, you can perfect cross-category pages that give rise to the perfect topics for your blog.

To get started with choosing topics, begin by brainstorming what you can feasibly write about. You don't want to choose topics that are too broad or simply cover surface-level information. Writing authoritatively on a topic requires professional experience or extensive research. Keyword research is an excellent way to find out what people are searching for online and can help guide your topic selection. A keyword research tool can provide valuable information such as keywords search volume and competition levels, helping you to select the perfect topics for your blog. Remember that choosing the wrong readership means worse attracting and holding them on your site, so make sure to stay focused on giving value with a good understanding of what they need from your writing.

4. Identify your unique angle.

Identify Your Unique Angle: Stand Out in a Crowded Blogging World

With the future of blogs looking brighter than ever, it's time to identify your unique selling proposition and add your unique slant to the topics you've chosen. In today's crowded blogging niches, it's essential to stand out from the crowd and offer something truly valuable to your readers.

When I started to write my blog, I realized that my unique experience raising children could make me a trusted expert and thought leader in this space. By sharing my own problems and solutions, I'm helping readers surmount challenges they typically face while raising kids.

Your professional bio is an opportunity to showcase your editorial approach and explain why readers should trust you as an authority in your field. While history isn't essential, highlight any relevant education or work experience that adds credibility to your blogging efforts.

Whether you're teaching readers how to compost organic materials or weighing in on trending debates, teach them something new or share original research that makes them think. By providing actionable solutions to problems you're helping readers solve, you'll become a go-to resource for marketers up-to-date with marketing trends.

By identifying your unique angle, crafting an editorial approach that resonates with your audience, and consistently delivering high-quality content, you can make sure that readers won't trust anyone else but you when it comes to the topics you're creating content around.

5. Name your blog.

Name Your Blog: Tips on Choosing a Name that Effectively Attracts Readers

When starting a blog, one of the most important steps is choosing an effective name. For instance, DIY MFA and Fine Arts are straightforward names that accurately communicate the covered topics. Brands like these are successful in delving deep into their message by identifying with their audience's interests.

While some bloggers may have a formal degree in writing or specialize in a certain niche, others simply enjoy writing as a hobby and want to share their experiences through blogs. In either case, having a blog's message conveyed through its name can be crucial in attracting readers. One tip to make sure the name is effective is to avoid confusing readers with convoluted titles and instead opt for straightforward names that easily resonate with the target audience.

6. Create your blog domain.

Creating your own blog domain can be a daunting task, but it doesn't have to be. Your web address nomenclature, or the name of your website online, should reflect the content of your blog. For example, if you're running a cooking business and want to start a blog about recipes and cooking tips, consider incorporating those keywords into your domain name.

Luckily, there are many CMS platforms that offer subdomains as a free service. However, if you want to have more control over how your blog lives online, you may want to consider registering your own domain through a website host. Keep in mind that some website hosting services charge for this feature, so make sure to research the fact website costs before committing to a 36-month term. Some popular web hosting services include Bluehost and SiteGround.

7. Choose a CMS and set up your blog.

If you're looking to start a blog in English, the first step is to choose a CMS (content management system) that will help you manage your website. A CMS is a software application that allows you to create and publish content on the web without having to code everything from scratch. There are many CMS platforms available, including WordPress, Wix, and Squarespace.

Once you've chosen a CMS, it's time to set up your blog! Most CMS platforms offer templates and themes that you can use as a starting point for your design. You'll also need to manage domains if you want your blog to have its own web address. If you already have an existing website, some CMS platforms allow you to add a blog section seamlessly. With the right tools and resources, setting up your blog can be an easy and enjoyable process!

8. Customize the look of your blog.

Customizing the look of your blog is an essential step in creating a blog that stands out from the rest. Whether you want to create a more professional or personal vibe, there are many ways to customize your blog's appearance. One way is to choose a theme that fits the subject matter of your blog. You can also add widgets and plugins that will enhance the functionality of your site. Additionally, you can use images and videos as part of your design to remind blog readers what your site is all about.

To start customizing your blog, it's important to first think about what you want your site to look like. Do you want an environment green theme? Or perhaps something more minimalist? Once you have an idea of what you want, browse through different themes until you find one that works for you. If you already have an existing website ensure that the new design matches it so visitors won't be confused. With a higher-level statement and blurb describing who you are and what readers can expect from reading your content should be included in order to encourage people to continue reading on. Don't forget image source when adding pictures, which can make all the difference in how successful your blog design turns out.

9. Write your first blog post.

Blog Set-Up: Your First Blog Post

So, you’ve decided to start a blog. Congratulations! Setting up your blog with a platform like WordPress or Blogger is easy and straightforward. Once you have your blog set up, the first thing you’ll want to do is write your first post.

But what should you write about? One thing missing from many blogs in English is informational pieces that are easy to understand for everyone. Consider writing about a topic that interests you and that you’re knowledgeable about. Keep in mind that your readers are looking for information and insights they can’t get elsewhere. If you provide them with valuable content, they’ll keep coming back for more.

Crafting an Impressive Blog Entry: A Comprehensive Guide


Blogs in English are a fantastic way to share your thoughts, ideas and experiences with a wider audience. However, crafting an impressive blog post is not as easy as it seems. First, you need to define your buyer personas, understand their needs and interests, and create content that resonates with them. Then, you need to research the existing discourse in your niche and find ways to add value to the conversation.

Once you have these foundations in place, it's time to start writing your blog post. Designate keyword-rich h2s and use them to structure your article into digestible sections that are easy to navigate for both readers and search engines. Add images and other media elements that complement your text and enhance the user experience. And don't forget about the conversion path – add calls-to-action (CTAs) that encourage readers to engage with your brand further.

Finally, optimize your blog post for on-page SEO by using relevant keywords throughout the text, meta descriptions, URLs and alt tags. Link back to relevant blog posts within your own website or external sources that add value to the reader's journey. By following these guidelines, you can craft an impressive blog entry that attracts more traffic, engages readers and achieves your marketing goals.

1. Draw from your buyer personas and what you know about your audience.

Creating buyer personas is crucial when it comes to crafting your blog posts in English. Without a clear understanding of your target audience, you may end up publishing content that doesn't resonate with anyone. The first step to start writing effective blog posts is to create detailed buyer personas using a persona buyer persona generator or by conducting research on your existing audience.

Once you have a clear understanding of your target audience, it's time to think about the tone and approach you want to take in your blog post. Depending on your buyer personas, you may want to adopt a casual personal approach or a business-savvy networking-focused approach. It's also important to consider how you will promote your blog post through social media and other channels based on the preferences of your target audience. By taking these factors into account, you can write compelling blog posts that resonate with your ideal readership.

2. Pull from your content strategy and/or brainstormed topics.

Pulling from our previous content strategy and brainstormed post ideas, we aim to explore the vast world of blogs in English. With a pre-existing portfolio of articles, we have noticed that blogging has become increasingly popular over the years as people continue to search for informative and entertaining content online.

Blogs offer a platform for individuals to share their thoughts, opinions and experiences with others. They can cover a variety of topics ranging from lifestyle, travel, food, fashion, technology and more. By writing about subjects that interest you, you can attract like-minded readers who appreciate your perspective. In our upcoming articles on blogs in English, we will be delving deeper into how you can start your own blog and the benefits it can bring both personally and professionally.

3. Identify what’s missing from the existing discourse.

When it comes to blogs in English, the existing discourse is heavily focused on beating saturated search queries and creating a topic cluster around certain keywords. However, what's missing from this conversation is the importance of writing content that stands out from the competition. While it's important to target popular keywords and phrases, it's equally important to provide readers with unique perspectives and engaging storytelling.

The competition hasn't caught up with this yet, which presents a great opportunity for bloggers to differentiate themselves by focusing on quality over quantity. By prioritizing originality and creativity in their writing, bloggers can attract a loyal following of readers who are looking for something beyond the typical blog post. So while it's important to stay mindful of SEO best practices and search rankings, let's not forget about the power of truly great content that resonates with readers on a deeper level.

4. Choose what type of blog post you’re writing.

When it comes to writing blog posts in English, there are a variety of formats to choose from. Some common formats include list-based posts, pillar page posts (ultimate guides), newsjacking posts, infographic posts, and how-to posts. Each format has its own unique advantages and can be tailored to fit the needs of your audience.

If you want to save time and ensure consistency in your blogging efforts, using blog post templates can be a great option. This allows you to quickly create posts that follow a standard structure while still allowing room for creativity and personalization. Ultimately, the key is to choose a format that suits your content and style while engaging your readers and keeping them coming back for more.

5. Generate a few different titles and choose the best one.

When it comes to creating a blog post, the title is one of the most important aspects. It's the first thing that readers see and can determine whether or not they decide to click on your post. That's why it's crucial to brainstorm multiple blog titles before settling on one.

If you're coming up with a blog post about "blogs in English," here are a few different title ideas to consider:

- "The Power of English-Language Blogs: Why They Matter"

- "Breaking Down the Best Blogs Written in English"

- "A Beginner's Guide to Starting Your Own Blog in English"

Take some time to think about what would best capture the essence of your blog post, and don't be afraid to get creative with your titles. Remember, the goal is to draw readers in and make them want to read more!

6. Create your outline and designate keyword-rich H2s and H3s.

When writing a blog post about blogs in English, it's important to create an outline and designate keyword-rich H2s and H3s. This will not only help organize your main ideas, but also improve your chances of ranking content on Google. Readers typically search for specific keywords or phrases, so including them in your headings can make it easier for them to find your post.

Google crawls through the headings on a webpage to determine what the content is about, so it's important to use keyword-rich h2s and h3s that accurately reflect your main ideas. By doing this, you increase the chances of your content being ranked higher in search engine results pages (SERPs). So take some time to research relevant keywords and include them strategically throughout your headings.

7. Write your blog post!

Writing blog posts in English can be quite intimidating, especially if you're not a native speaker. However, with the right tools and techniques, anyone can write engaging and informative blog posts. To start off, it's important to create an outline earlier on and jot down your main headings or points. This will help you stay organized and focused while writing.

When conducting additional research for your blog post, be sure to find accurate and compelling data to support your ideas. Incorporating external sources is a great way to provide readers with more information examples and show that you've done your homework. Additionally, providing proper attribution shows that you respect other people's work and ideas.

Writing blog posts doesn't have to be strictly informational - in fact, incorporating interesting anecdotes or personal experiences is a great way to show personality and engage readers. If you're having trouble stringing sentences together, try speaking out loud first and then transcribing your thoughts onto paper. With practice and perseverance, anyone can become a skilled blogger in English!

8. Proofread your post.

Proofread Your Post: The Importance of Editing

When it comes to blogging in English, there's no denying that the editing process is an important part of the editorial process. Whether you're a seasoned blogger or just starting out, taking the time to copy edit your work can make all the difference in the world. Having a grammar-conscious co-worker or friend read over your post can also be helpful, but don't forget to develop your own self-editing skills as well.

To become an efficient editor, consider using online resources like a free grammar checker or reading up on helpful posts like "Editor 13 Editorial Tips" or "Efficient Editor 12 Ways." Ultimately, having an ultimate editing checklist and making sure every sentence is clean and polished will make your blog stand out among the rest. Remember, taking the time to proofread your post will only enhance your writing skills and make for a more engaging reader experience.

9. Add images and other media elements to support your ideas.

Adding images and other media elements to your blog post is an effective way to support your ideas. A good blog post not only has well-written copy heres, but it also has visually appealing content that complements the text. Readers tend to pay close attention to visuals, so prominently featuring a relevant image can make your post read more engaging.

Social networks treat content with more prominence when it contains visuals. Therefore, incorporating images or videos into your blog content can help increase its visibility and reach a larger audience. However, it is important to stay consistent with image sizes and style for a visually-appealing blog post. Large blocks of unstyled text can make for an unattractive blog post, which may deter readers from continuing to read.

Additionally, it's important to keep in mind copyright law when choosing images. You can refrain from using copyrighted images by creating original graphics or photos or using public domain ones. To create a consistent look on your blog, use similar defined borders for all media elements used in the posts. Finally, having a strong blog tagging strategy allows you to choose 10-20 tags that fit within your main topics and specific public-facing keywords, helping search engines categorize and rank your content appropriately. Consistency makes all the difference in creating a compelling and readable blog post!

10. Upload your post into your CMS.

Once you have written your blog post and checked it for errors or typos, the next step is to upload it into your content management system (CMS). This is where you can add images, links, tags, and other elements that make your blog look more professional. With an optimized content ready to go, you can simply copy and paste it into your CMS, format it as needed, and hit the "publish" button.

The great thing about using a content management system is that you can schedule when your blog post should be posted live. Whether you want to publish immediately or at a later date and time, you have full control over the posting schedule. Once your content is saved in the CMS, all you need to do is sit back and relax while the platform takes care of everything else. So go ahead and upload your awesome blog post – the world is waiting to read it!

Frequently Asked Questions

What is a blogging book?

A blogging book is a written guide that teaches individuals how to create, manage, and monetize a successful blog. It covers topics such as content creation, audience engagement, SEO, marketing strategies, and more. Whether you are a beginner or an experienced blogger, a blogging book can help you take your blog to the next level.

What should I blog about to get more readers?

Blog about topics that you are passionate about and that your target audience is interested in. Use catchy headlines, visually appealing content, and promote your blog on social media to increase readership.

What is a good first blog post?

A good first blog post should introduce yourself and your blog's purpose, provide valuable information to your readers, and showcase your writing style. Consider starting with a personal story or sharing your expertise on a topic related to your niche.

What are the best blogs to learn English?

Some of the best blogs to learn English include FluentU, Grammarly Blog, and Daily Writing Tips. These blogs offer a variety of resources such as grammar lessons, vocabulary exercises, and writing tips that can help improve your English language skills.

How to write a compelling blog post?

To write a compelling blog post, start by identifying your target audience and their pain points. Then, craft a catchy headline, use engaging language, and include visuals to break up text. Finally, end with a strong call-to-action to encourage engagement.

Gordon Vannoni

Lead Writer

Gordon Vannoni is an experienced blogger who writes on a variety of topics, including lifestyle, technology, and finance. His work has been featured in numerous publications, and he is frequently sought after for his expertise in these areas. A creative thinker with a passion for writing, Gordon has a knack for crafting compelling stories that resonate with readers.