German business culture: Expectations and etiquette


Posted Mar 13, 2023

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Female narrator in glasses reading out loud from book while sitting at desk with microphone and recording audiobook in cozy study
Credit:, Female narrator in glasses reading out loud from book while sitting at desk with microphone and recording audiobook in cozy study

B2B understanding German business culture is crucial for anyone looking to do business in Germany. The German business culture is renowned for its efficiency, professionalism, and attention to detail. However, it can also be quite formal and rigid, with a strong emphasis on protocol and hierarchy.

One of the most important aspects of German business culture is punctuality. Meetings are expected to start at the scheduled time, and being even a few minutes late can be seen as disrespectful. Additionally, Germans tend to value directness and honesty in communication, which can sometimes come across as blunt or confrontational to those from other cultures. Understanding these cultural nuances can help businesses navigate the complexities of doing business in Germany and build successful partnerships.

Learn about German corporate culture & etiquette to successfully build relationships with German companies and establish fruitful business partnerships.

Approaching prospective German business partners with a powerful presence requires an understanding of German corporate culture and etiquette. Germany is a major player in the global economy, establishing relationships with German companies can open doors to fruitful business partnerships. Manufacturing, banking, and automotive industries are some of the important industries in Germany. In this article, you'll find information on how to approach German corporations knowledgeably.

Knowing the cultural nuances of Germany can lead to successful meetings and negotiations with German business partners. However, it is important to note that there is individual variation within the country's corporate culture. Germans value punctuality, directness, and precision in their communication style. It is important to be well-prepared for meetings and have a clear agenda.

German companies prefer to build long-term relationships based on trust and mutual respect. Establishing personal connections with your counterparts can help build this trust. During negotiations, it is common for Germans to take time before making decisions as they consider all perspectives thoroughly. Understanding these cultural differences will help in building positive relationships with German business partners.

1. Corporate introductions are best done through matchmakers

When it comes to making corporate introductions in German business culture, it's best to rely on matchmakers. This is because Germans tend to be reserved and formal in their business dealings, which can make cold calling or approaching a potential business contact directly result in a "cold shoulder."

Instead, using a trusted intermediary such as an Industrie und Handelskammer chamber can help establish credibility and build trust with the other party. Matchmakers can provide additional information about the company and its history, as well as offer insights into how best to approach the introduction. By leveraging these resources, businesses can increase their chances of success when entering the German market.

2. Business cards are standard in first contacts

In the German business culture, exchanging business cards is considered standard in first contacts. A polished-looking business card with your name, job title, and company logo is crucial to establish your business credentials. When presenting your business card to your German colleagues, make sure to do it with both hands and always face the card towards the person you are giving it to. Academic titles and professional organizations should also be included in your business card, along with their German translation if possible.

The tradition of exchanging visiting cards dates back to Victorian times when it was a way for people to announce their arrival and social status. However, in Germany, it is still an official professional practice that shows respect for the person you are meeting with. Remember that in Germany, building a long-term relationship is more important than closing a quick deal. Therefore, taking the time to exchange well-designed and informative business cards can help set the foundation for a successful partnership.

3. Handshakes have their own protocol

In a business setting, first impressions are crucial. A proper greeting is key to building strong relationships with your German colleagues. Handshakes in meetings are important to establish trust and respect between business partners. If you're shy, you'll want to practice your handshaking skills beforehand. It's important to shake hands with consistent eye contact and in a relaxed manner. This shows that you are confident and ready to give your full attention during discussions, which reassures your German colleagues that you are serious about building business partnerships.

4. “How are you?” is a personal question

In German business settings, the question "Wie geht es Ihnen?" (How are you?) is a personal question that should not be taken lightly. Unlike in English-speaking cultures where it is often used as a perfunctory greeting, Germans expect an honest answer to this question. It is important to remember that in a business context, the question is not meant to elicit a detailed response about one's personal life but rather to establish a level of familiarity and respect between colleagues or clients.

Thus, when doing business in Germany, it is crucial to understand the cultural significance of this seemingly simple question. Failing to respond appropriately could be seen as disrespectful or even rude. As such, it is vital for foreign businesses operating in Germany to invest time and effort into understanding the nuances of German business culture in order to avoid any misunderstandings or miscommunications.

5. Gift-giving comes with caveats

Gift-giving is a fairly traditional practice in German business culture. However, it comes with caveats. Exchanging modest gifts such as a well-crafted pen with the company logo is acceptable, but the company sets guidelines for suitable gift values. Before giving any business gift, consult management or internal documentation to ensure compliance with the gift policy.

In addition, people in civil service jobs are prohibited from accepting gifts altogether. It's important to remember that gift-giving in Germany should not be mistaken for expected inordinate generosity and potential bribery. Understanding the nuances of gift-giving and adhering to established guidelines will help foster positive relationships in German business culture.

6. Meetings must be kept on point

When it comes to German business meetings, keeping them on point is crucial. Unlike in other cultures, open-ended discussions and small talk are not preferred. German professionals prefer straightforward and honest communication in a formal setting. Therefore, it is essential to set clear agendas and stick to them to ensure clear decision-making.

While humor may vary wildly among different cultures, it is best to avoid opening a business meeting with a personal anecdote or joke. Germans value efficiency and professionalism, so getting straight to the point is key. These principles hold true even in less formal discussions, as Germans tend to approach all conversations with a serious tone. Overall, when conducting business meetings in Germany, it's important to remember that time is money and being concise will be appreciated.

7. A formal dress code is standard

When it comes to German business culture, a formal dress code is generally the norm. This means that darker colors and staid styles are preferred, while flashy fashion should be avoided. However, it's important to note that the dress code may vary from individual company to company, so it's always best to check with your employer or colleagues for guidance on acceptable wardrobe choices in the German workplace.

8. Office hours start early

One of the biggest differences between German and English-speaking countries' business cultures is the working hours. German office workers typically start their day earlier than those in the United States or other English-speaking nations. This means that "working 9 to 5" is not the norm in Germany, as many offices open at 8 am or earlier.

Additionally, the work week extends beyond the typical 40 hours for average full-time office workers. In fact, some Germans only work 36 hours a week due to labor laws that prioritize work-life balance. Part-time workers are also more common in Germany, with many employees working just 30 hours per week. Understanding these differences is crucial for businesses looking to operate successfully in Germany and build strong relationships with German partners and clients.

9. Punctuality equals politeness

In the German business culture, punctuality is considered a sign of respect and professionalism. Being on time for meetings and appointments demonstrates that you value the other person's time and are reliable. In fact, arriving a few minutes early is seen as even more polite.

On the other hand, being late without prior notice is highly frowned upon in German business culture. It shows a lack of consideration for others and can be seen as unprofessional. In fact, it's better to cancel or reschedule a meeting than to show up late without explanation. While being fashionably late may be acceptable in some parts of the English-speaking world, it's not the case in German business culture where being on time is essential for building trust and maintaining good relationships.

10. Roles and titles are highly respected

In German business etiquette, respect for roles and titles is paramount. Traditionally, office hierarchy is highly respected in Germany. Senior staff members enter the meeting room first and are seated at the head of the table. It is important to use formal titles in addressing colleagues, especially those who hold higher positions. This shows that you acknowledge their authority and expertise, and you value their contribution to the company.

11. German corporate social responsibility is serious business

German corporate social responsibility is not something that foreign companies can afford to overlook. In Germany, corporate social responsibility is taken very seriously and it's a crucial aspect of doing business in the country. This means that companies operating in Germany need to be aware of their impact on the environment, basic human rights, and fair employee compensation.

Failing to uphold these standards can lead to potential fines or other stumbling blocks. It's important for foreign companies to familiarize themselves with Germany's business laws and regulations regarding social responsibility. One such example is the Pay Transparency Act, which requires companies with more than 200 employees to provide information about their pay structure and ensure equal pay for men and women. By taking corporate social responsibility seriously, foreign businesses can establish a positive reputation and build trust with German consumers and partners.

12. Holidays are part of work-life balance

Holidays are an essential part of work-life balance in the German workplace. According to statistics provided by occupation research, German workers averaged fewer working hours compared to their counterparts in other countries. Germany is the fourth largest economy globally, and as a result, businesspeople need to understand the importance of balancing work and life. In addition to wall-to-wall meetings and water-cooler socialization, permanent full-time jobs tend to dominate the German workplace. This is why an increasing number of workers are turning to the gig economy for greater flexibility.

Germany observes national holidays such as Christmas Day and New Year's Day, as well as public holidays like Labor Day (May 1st) and Unity Day (October 3rd). Under Germany's Bundesurlaubsgesetz Federal Vacation Law, full-time workers are entitled to at least 30 days of paid leave per year. Paid leave applies specifically to full-time employees rather than those in the service industry or on temporary contracts. Arranging meetings during public holidays can be challenging for foreign businesspeople unfamiliar with German customs. However, respecting that these days are generally off-limits because they're considered sacred shows respect towards your German counterparts and has a positive impact on the business relationship.

Frequently Asked Questions

What to bring to a business meeting in Germany?

When attending a business meeting in Germany, it is important to bring your business cards and a pen to take notes. It's also recommended to dress conservatively and arrive on time.

What is the correct dress code for conducting business in Germany?

Business attire is the norm in Germany, with conservative and formal clothing being preferred. Men should wear suits and ties, while women should dress modestly in skirts or pantsuits.

What are some good manners in Germany?

In Germany, it's important to greet people with a handshake and make eye contact. Table manners are also highly valued, including using utensils properly and keeping your hands visible while eating. Additionally, punctuality is greatly appreciated.

What is German business etiquette?

German business etiquette is characterized by punctuality, formal communication, and a strong emphasis on hierarchy and respect for authority. Understanding these cultural norms can help create successful business relationships in Germany.

What are the benefits of working in Germany?

Working in Germany offers a high standard of living, excellent healthcare and education systems, strong job security laws, and opportunities for career growth in various industries.

Mario Copeland

Senior Writer

Mario Copeland is a passionate blogger who has been sharing his thoughts and experiences with the world for over a decade. He is an expert in personal development, lifestyle design, and entrepreneurship. His writing style is engaging, practical, and deeply insightful.